Legal informations
Company name: Galerie Pascal Gabert
Company form: SARL
Director: Pascal GABERT
Headquarters: 11 bis rue du Perche - 75003 Paris, France
RCS Paris: 334 849 932 - company active in the SIRENE directory since 02.18.1986
SIRET: 334 849 932 00028
Amount of share capital: 7,642.45 euros
Telephone: + 33 (0) 1 44 54 09 44
Online sales site built on the Ecwid e-commerce platform
Host: Amen
Postal address: AMEN SASU, 12-14, Rond Point des Champs Elysées 75008 Paris
RCS Paris: 421 527 797 000 11 - Company with share capital of € 37,000
Director of publication: Claudio Corbetta
Telephone: Customer Service can be reached from Monday to Friday from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. on 01 70 99 53 41 (price of a local call).
The Sales Department can be contacted from Monday to Friday from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. on 01 70 99 53 41 (price of a local call).
General sales conditions
Use of the site and any order implies the prior, full and complete acceptance of the General Conditions of Sale, which the user acknowledges having read.
These General Conditions of Sale (hereinafter “GTC”) govern the relations between Galerie Pascal Gabert and the consumer or professional Client.
Created in 1986, the Pascal Gabert gallery is located in the heart of the Marais, in Paris 3rd, where a large part of contemporary artistic creation is concentrated. A member of the Professional Committee of Art Galleries, she has participated in numerous exhibitions: FIAC, Saga, Découvertes, Art Paris, the Salon d'Angers, Drawing Now, Paris and St-art in Strasbourg.
A living place of exhibition, exchange and dialogue, the Pascal Gabert gallery has established, over the years, privileged relationships conducive to the meeting between amateurs, artists and writers. Its founder Pascal Gabert has been defending contemporary creation there for 30 years. Painting, sculpture, photography: contemporary art is presented here in a global and open vision, without prejudices, at the annual rate of five to eight thematic or personal exhibitions.
In February 2021, the gallery will acquire a new online sales site, created via the Ecwid e-commerce platform.
- "Client": An adult natural person acquiring one or more Works through the Site;
- "Order": Customer's purchase order for one or more Works on the Site;
- "Work": any work of art offered for sale on the Site;
- "Site": refers to the website
The purpose of these T & Cs is to set the terms and conditions of use of the Site, the Ordering methods as well as the obligations of the parties under the sales contract.
3.1 Characteristics of the Works
The Works available on the Site are unique or limited edition works of art and, unless otherwise stated, are deemed to be in very good condition and unframed.
The descriptive notices of the Works published on the Site are written with the greatest care but may nevertheless contain errors or omissions (not known at the time of writing). In this case, the responsibility of the Pascal Gabert gallery can in no way be engaged.
The photographs of the Works are not contractual. The justification for the print or the appearance of the signature may vary from one proof to another when the Pascal Gabert Gallery has several copies of a Work.
3.2 Availability of Works
The Works are available in limited quantities and may at any time no longer be available for sale on the Site.
In the event that a Work is unavailable after the Order has been placed, Galerie Pascal Gabert will inform the Client as soon as possible. The Customer may cancel his order or choose another Work available as a replacement.
1) The Client is aware of the essential characteristics of the Work and its price;
2) The Customer selects the Work (s) he wishes to buy, available in the basket;
3) The Customer checks, corrects if necessary, his Order and fills in his personal details;
4) The Customer definitively validates his Order and proceeds to payment;
5) The Customer receives by email the summary of his Order;
6) Galerie Pascal Gabert confirms the Order and undertakes to ship it as soon as possible.
However, Galerie Pascal Gabert reserves the right not to confirm all or part of an Order, in particular for the following reasons:
- The unavailability of a Work. The Customer is then informed as soon as possible: he can choose another Work or request reimbursement of the price of the Work and the associated delivery costs;
- The Order of a Customer with whom there is a dispute relating to the payment of a previous order or which presents any form of risk;
- In case of doubt about the identity of the Customer and the ownership of the payment method to avoid any identity theft or fraudulent payment.
5.1 Prices
The prices of the Works indicated on the Site are in Euros inclusive of all taxes (TTC) and are communicated in the notices of the Works. Payments are only accepted in euros and the prices indicated in foreign currencies are indicative.
Delivery costs are communicated at the latest before the final validation of the Order.
If the declaration and payment of customs, import or local taxes are due, they are the responsibility of the Customer. It is up to him to obtain information from the competent authorities in his country.
5.2 Modalité de paiement
Le règlement s’effectue par carte bancaire via le système de paiement sécurisé STRIPE.
La Galerie Pascal Gabert n’a pas accès aux informations bancaires du Client et ne les conserve pas. Ses coordonnées lui seront donc demandées à chaque nouvelle Commande.
L’Oeuvre demeure la propriété de la Galerie Pascal Gabert jusqu’au paiement intégral du prix par le Client.
Le transfert des risques a lieu lors de la réception du bien par le Client consommateur ou par un tiers, autre que le transporteur, désigné par le Client consommateur.
La Galerie Pascal Gabert expédie en France et en Europe via La Poste en Chronopost à l’adresse de livraison indiquée par le Client.
Les œuvres sont protégées durant le transport par un emballage spécifique : les oeuvres sont roulées et emballées dans un tube en carton. Néanmoins, en raison des caractéristiques de certaines Oeuvres (fragilité, prix, taille, poids…), la Galerie Pascal Gabert pourra envoyer les Oeuvres à plat, en caisse ou imposer le recours à un mode de livraison spécifique par transporteur spécialisé.
Les frais de livraison des Commandes sont fixes quel que soit le nombre d’Oeuvres commandées. Ils sont indiqués au moment de la Commande.
Les Oeuvres vendues sur le Site sont des biens de collection fragiles, à manipuler et emballer avec précaution. Il est donc conseillé au Client consommateur souhaitant exercer son droit de rétractation, de contacter la Galerie Pascal Gabert pour trouver une solution amiable à l’adresse suivante: La Galerie Pascal Gabert s’engage à répondre dans les plus brefs délais à la demande du Client.
8.1 Exercice du droit de rétractation
Le Client consommateur (établit dans l’Union européenne et en Suisse) ayant commandé une Oeuvre sur le Site dispose de quatorze (14) jours à compter de la réception de l’Œuvre pour exercer son droit de rétraction (sans justification ou pénalité).
Pour exercer son droit de rétractation, le Client peut notifier sa volonté de se rétracter auprès de la Galerie Pascal Gabert par déclaration dénuée de toute ambiguïté (lettre envoyée par la poste ou courrier électronique) ou via le formulaire suivant :
A l'attention de la Galerie Pascal Gabert, 11 bis rue du Perche, 75003 Paris, France :
Je/nous (*) vous notifie/notifions (*) par la présente ma/notre (*) rétractation du contrat portant sur la vente du bien (*)/pour la prestation de services (*) ci-dessous :
Commandé le (*)/reçu le (*) :
Nom du (des) consommateur(s) :
Adresse du (des) consommateur(s) :
Signature du (des) consommateur(s) (uniquement en cas de notification du présent formulaire sur papier) :
Date :
(*) Rayez la mention inutile.
Le refus de prendre livraison de l’Oeuvre ou le simple retour de l’Oeuvre sans déclaration ne constituent pas à eux seuls exercice du droit de rétractation.
8.2 Retour de la Commande
A compter de la réception de la notification d’exercice de son droit de rétractation, le Client dispose au plus tard de quatorze (14) jours pour retourner tout ou partie de la Commande.
Les frais de livraison retour sont à la charge du Client.
Le Client est invité à suivre les instructions données par la Galerie Pascal Gabert pour emballer et procéder au retour de la/les Oeuvre(s) :
- Le Client doit retourner l’Oeuvre dans son emballage d’origine ;
- Le Client doit mettre en œuvre les indications données par la Galerie Pascal Gabert ;
- Le Client doit prendre toutes les mesures nécessaires pour retourner l’Oeuvre dans son état initial.
Toute Œuvre retournée doit être conforme à l’état dans lequel l’Oeuvre a été vendue.
A réception du colis, la Galerie Pascal Gabert ouvrira le colis et examinera attentivement l’état de l’Oeuvre retournée. En cas de négligence manifeste dans l'emballage des œuvres, la Galerie Pascal Gabert se réserve le droit de faire ouvrir le colis par un huissier de justice à la charge du client. Les Œuvres abimées, endommagées ou salies du fait de la négligence du Client dans l’emballage et le transport de l’Oeuvre, ne seront pas reprises par la Galerie Pascal Gabert et ne pourront pas faire l’objet d’un remboursement.
8.3 Conditions de remboursement du Client
La Galerie Pascal Gabert remboursera au Client le prix de l’Oeuvre retournée ainsi que les frais de livraison initiaux dans les quatorze (14) jours suivant la réception de la rétractation du Client.
La Galerie Pascal Gabert se réserve le droit de différer le remboursement jusqu’à la réception de l’Oeuvre. Le remboursement sera effectué par le même moyen de paiement que celui utilisé par le Client, sauf demande expresse. En tout état de cause, ce remboursement n'occasionnera pas de frais pour le Client.
Pour toute réclamation, le Client est invité à contacter la Galerie Pascal Gabert à l’adresse suivante : La Galerie Pascal Gabert s’engage à trouver une solution amiable avec le Client.
Seulement après démarche préalable écrite du Client auprès de la Galerie Pascal Gabert, le Client consommateur peut recourir gratuitement aux services d’un médiateur. La Commission européenne a mis en place une plateforme de règlement en ligne des litiges accessible au lien suivant :
Les présentes CGV sont soumises au droit français.
Tout litige relatif à leur interprétation et/ou exécution relève du Tribunal de Commerce de Paris, sans préjudice de l’application de la loi et de la compétence du juge du lieu de résidence du Client consommateur (établit dans l’Union européenne ou en Suisse).
5.2 Method of payment
Payment is made by credit card via the STRIPE secure payment system.
Galerie Pascal Gabert does not have access to the Client's banking information and does not keep it. His contact details will therefore be requested for each new Order.
The Work remains the property of Galerie Pascal Gabert until full payment of the price by the Client.
The transfer of risks takes place upon receipt of the goods by the consumer Client or by a third party, other than the carrier, designated by the consumer Client.
Galerie Pascal Gabert ships in France and Europe via La Poste in Chronopost to the delivery address indicated by the Customer.
The works are protected during transport by specific packaging: the works are rolled up and packed in a cardboard tube. However, due to the characteristics of certain Works (fragility, price, size, weight, etc.), Galerie Pascal Gabert may send the Works flat, in checkout or require the use of a specific delivery method by specialized carrier.
The delivery costs of Orders are fixed regardless of the number of Works ordered. They are indicated at the time of the Order.
The Works sold on the Site are fragile collector's items, to be handled and packaged with care. Consumer Customers wishing to exercise their right of withdrawal are therefore advised to contact Galerie Pascal Gabert to find an amicable solution at the following address: Galerie Pascal Gabert undertakes to respond as quickly as possible to the Customer's request.
8.1 Exercise of the right of withdrawal
The consumer Client (established in the European Union and in Switzerland) who ordered a Work on the Site has fourteen (14) days from receipt of the Work to exercise his right of withdrawal (without justification or penalty).
To exercise their right of withdrawal, the Customer can notify Galerie Pascal Gabert of their wish to withdraw from any ambiguity (letter sent by post or email) or via the following form:
For the attention of Galerie Pascal Gabert, 11 bis rue du Perche, 75003 Paris, France:
I / we (*) hereby notify / notify you of my / our (*) withdrawal from the contract for the sale of the property (*) / for the provision of services (*) below:
Ordered on (*) / received on (*):
Name of consumer (s):
Address of consumer (s):
Signature of consumer (s) (only if this form is notified on paper):
(*) Cross out the unnecessary mention.
The refusal to take delivery of the Work or the simple return of the Work without declaration do not in themselves constitute the exercise of the right of withdrawal.
8.2 Return of the Order
From receipt of the notification of exercise of his right of withdrawal, the Customer has fourteen (14) days at the latest to return all or part of the Order.
Return delivery costs are the responsibility of the Customer.
The Customer is invited to follow the instructions given by Galerie Pascal Gabert to pack and return the Work (s):
- The Client must return the Work in its original packaging;
- The Client must implement the instructions given by Galerie Pascal Gabert;
- The Client must take all the necessary measures to return the Work in its initial state.
Any Returned Work must conform to the condition in which the Work was sold.
Upon receipt of the package, Galerie Pascal Gabert will open the package and carefully examine the condition of the returned Work. In the event of obvious negligence in the packaging of the works, Galerie Pascal Gabert reserves the right to have the package opened by a bailiff at the customer's expense. Works damaged, damaged or soiled due to the negligence of the Client in the packaging and transport of the Work, will not be taken back by Galerie Pascal Gabert and cannot be reimbursed.
8.3 Customer reimbursement conditions
Galerie Pascal Gabert will reimburse the Customer for the price of the returned Work as well as the initial delivery costs within fourteen (14) days of receipt of the Customer's withdrawal.
Galerie Pascal Gabert reserves the right to defer reimbursement until receipt of the Work. The refund will be made by the same means of payment as that used by the Customer, unless expressly requested. In any case, this reimbursement will not incur costs for the Customer.
For any complaint, the Customer is invited to contact Galerie Pascal Gabert at the following address: Galerie Pascal Gabert undertakes to find an amicable solution with the Client.
Only after the Client has made a prior written request to Galerie Pascal Gabert, the Consumer Client may use the services of a mediator free of charge. The European Commission has set up an online dispute resolution platform accessible at the following link:
These GTC are subject to French law.
Any dispute relating to their interpretation and / or execution falls within the jurisdiction of the Paris Commercial Court, without prejudice to the application of the law and the jurisdiction of the judge of the place of residence of the consumer Client (established in the European Union or in Switzerland ).
Privacy policy
We collect your personal data (first name, last name, email address, postal address) in order to manage your order.
We also use your email address to send you gallery news or to suggest new acquisitions. If you do not or no longer wish to receive newsletters from the gallery, please let us know by email: We will remove you from our e-mailing list.
We do not communicate the contact details of our clients to any other gallery or commercial partner.